Lotion, as my husband knows all too well, is definitely one of my essentials. I can not sit down to watch a movie with dry hands. I cannot go to bed with a dry face. When stepping out of the shower there is a small window of time in which to properly lock-in the moisture. I can even tell when my finger nails are getting too long because it creates an unquenchable thirst in my hands. Fascinatingly odd wouldn't you say?
Being a chronic user, I have undoubtedly developed a hypersensitivity to dryness. Not only can I detect the sensation but I become obsessed focusing on the discomfort! My brain cannot process homework, music, video, or anything really. It's quite debilitating and can lead to acts of desperation in times of need.
Today I was without said "elixir of the God's". After washing my hands about 3 times this morning one may imagine the severity of the circumstances. Luckily I always carry with me an almost equal essential...lip balm. That's right, I smeared medicated Blistex all over my hands working it into the crevices between my fingers. Complete disregard for anyone who may be watching me in the midst of the library. Not ideal but my world is at peace once again.