This next photo pretty much sums up the vacation... nothing better than lounging on baby floaty's at the hotel pool!

We soon became masters of the grill and enjoyed fine dining as a result!

This is me about to face a 250 ft stretch of zipline...the second of seven ziplines we did that day.

Check out Chris' action photography as he speeds down the line, ha, ha!

We had to try just about every flavor of gelato before making a decision. You will also note the lack of effort gone into doing my hair, it's useless when you get in the water every couple of hours.

We were privileged to behold the the wild life on the isle.

And guava was found in abundance out in the jungle.

We were greeted with a lovely Hawain Luau back in California upon our return home thanks to Chris' parents.

This is our old and beloved first dining room table featuring udon noodles and spinach salad. My brother and sister in law got us these awesome ramen bowls for our wedding complete with chopsticks and adorable little cherry blossom chopstick holders. YUM!

Our second weekend at home we didn't just hiked, but backpacked up Timpanogos with some of Chris' old college roommates and their wives. All in all it was pretty difficult but definitely worth it! You can't see stars like that from down in the valley.

We were also lucky enough to stumble upon some hunters and their prized mountain goat!! If you zoom in on this baby you can see the blood dripping from the goat's nose onto the hem of that dude's pants. Sweet!

We have continued our grilling tradition... a homemade fire roasted tomatoe onion soup.

A little mud mask rest and relaxation to counteract the stress of school.

That about sums things up!