Saturday, August 17, 2013

1 Week Overdue: Last 24 hrs Prego

This baby doesn't want to come out...or else she wants to come out but my body is trapping her inside?  I am officially 41 weeks in less than 4 hrs.  We are just waiting for a phone call from the hospital to let us know when they have a bed available for my induction.  Apparently my cervix is comparable to a rock hard avocado!  It's no where near being "ripe" and it remains completely closed.  I'm happy my body is so good at holding in babies but at some point I'd like my baby girl to come out.

People keep asking me how I'm feeling...  Well, the good news and the bad news is that I feel pretty darn good, absolutely no signs I'm going into labor.  I did decide to ditch my last two days of work.  Although I have to admit it would have been priceless to tell my patients I was a 6 days past my due date!

Yesterday I promised Chris I would quit cleaning after I

  • cleaned and re-hung the blinds in the living room
  • vacuumed the baseboards on the main level of the house
  • dusted
  • folded the laundry
  • vacuumed the main upstairs
  • cleaned our bathroom
To say the least it was exhausting.  I also finished sewing Chloe's blessing dress last night at 10:30 pm before heading to the airport to pick up my mom.  What can I say...I'm a good procrastinator but somehow I always make the deadline :)

Today my goal was to relax and enjoy my day before heading to the hospital.  Here was today's events:

  1. I slept in...after not really sleeping much because I was so excited/anxious.  
  2. Had green smoothies and scrambled eggs with Chris and my mom.  
  3. Then Chris and I headed to the pool for one last workout.  The weather was perfect at 10:30 am and almost no one was at the pool yet.  I swam my usual long slow mile in the pool complete with flip-turns.  
  4. We had lunch then headed down to Provo to spend some time with Marisa, Matt, and Taylor.
  5. We had planned to check out the new Provo recreation center and swim all afternoon but it rained and they closed the outdoor venue...We still swam, but in the little kiddy pool indoors with a thousand other people who didn't want to cut their afternoons short.  We had fun watching Taylor splash around and I even went down the indoor water slide.  I figured if it was safe for a 5 year old it was pretty safe for a prego.  I soon regretted my decision as I realized I had to lay flat on my back all the way down and get a semi wedgie at the end of the ride...but baby and I survived just fine.
  6. Lastly my sister made us a delicious dinner, enchilada's and white chicken chili.  We also brought down some lemon cake topped with whipped cream and fresh blue berries to celebrate my mom's birthday.
That brings me to my current status...8:40pm, waiting for the hospital to call.  Wish me luck :)  Hope my cervix complies with modern medicine and "ripens" without too much trouble.

Okay and pictures.  
Baby's room, not quite complete...I wanted to hang bookshelves behind the rocking chair and also get some cute hooks to hand the blessing dress.  Crib complete with Chloe's own "Mimi" made by her Grandma Hansen.

This rocking chair is like 30 years old...the blanket hand knit from her Grandma Grant.

 Week 40:  Official weight gain...30 lbs.  

4 Year Anniversary and 4 days past due!  Chris was so glad Chloe didn't come this day.  We didn't want to have a children's birthday party every year on our anniversary.

Yummy desserts and my cute husband.

Chloe's Blessing dress.  We went ahead with a size small instead of size newborn bc we weren't sure when my mom could come out for the she may be drowning in it at 6 weeks old.  But oh well.  I think it turned out pretty cute.

 And taken only moments ago...Me in my 41 Week Glory (I'm rounding up a few hours)!  Sans Make-up bc I don't want to wash my face again tonight.  Official weight gain of 31 lbs.  


sojay said...

Everything is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

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