As promised, I am providing you with side by side comparisons of myself with Japanese animation characters. I have no doubt you'll see the shockingly uncanny resemblance! Furthermore I decided to go a step further and recruit your help in resolving the ongoing debate as to which Hollywood actress I bear a closer resemblance to. (note: The actresses featured were chosen based off public feedback. If it were up to me I'd rather resemble Shakira or Beyonce. I don't resent my Japanese heritage, but it definately didn't bless me with the hips or butt a salsa dancer dreams of...Que lastima!)
1. Cartoon Eyes

Okay, this isn't the best side by side comparison, I had a difficult time finding a good cartoon picture. But I'm sure you are familiar with the cartoon eyes I'm talking about. They are often featured in such church publications as The Friend. Perfect little arched windows and completely flat across the bottom. I must give credit to Liz for introducing me to Erin's natural talent at imitating cartoon eyes. I'm not quite up to Erin's level but maybe a close 2nd or 3rd. Although I probably have the advantage of a large noggin to complete the cartoonish look.

Uncanny resemblance! Am I right or am I right? Definitely a face I think I use on a daily basis. In fact, I used it just the other day. As I was out for a run I dashed across an intersection as the light was turning yellow. I quickly glanced at the driver of the vehicle to my side, (he was undoubtedly annoyed I had not yielded to the red hand of the cross walk), and flashed him the, "Oops! Bad judgement call on my part, sorry!" look.
3. Candace Cameron, aka: DJ Tanner from Full House

Don't let me influence your votes, but I must say this is probably the comparison I resent most! I hated people telling me I looked like DJ Tanner growing up. I always considered DJ the slightly chubby insecure older sister of the Tanner family, thus I did not like being told I looked like her. Unfortunately I don't have any younger pictures of myself here at my apartment...but then again people tell me I look pretty much the same now as when I was 5yrs old! (Yes, I also love comments like this, "Oh you're graduating this year, that's great! Now which high school are you at?")

Okay, that was a low blow to Julia. I apologize, I've never actually seen that particular movie, so I can't judge. Additionally, she has been in some good films. However I still don't like the comparison. Don't ask me I said before, I'm just bitter I didn't come out looking a little more like J-Lo.
Okay, that's all I got. Is there any other fictional cartoon character's I'm missing? Wait, I have another real quick story for you. Once upon a time there was a boy in my ward who looked EXACTLY like Kevin James from The King of Queens. So naturally I approached him to state the obvious. Wow, that was a mistake! Without so much as a courtesy grin he rolled his eyes and replied with such a rude sarcastic tone, "Yeah, haven't heard that one before!". In light of this experience, although I may sound bitter...I applaud myself for always responding in a very politely resentful manner. With that said you may now cast your votes in my comments section :)
PS- feel free to vote for cartoon eyes or Chihiro, I would love it.